African American and a white store owner on the Porch of a country store
Afro-American women in cooking class at Hampton Institute
Paul Robeson, world famous Negro baritone
Wide World photographs
Bayard Rustin at news briefing on the Civil Rights March on Washington
Surgical Ward
US Army Signal Corps
Governor George Wallace attempting to block integration at the University of Alabama
African American Girls waiting for Episcopal Church to end so they can see the processional, South Side of Chicago, Illinois
Production. Aircraft engines. Negro women with no previous industrial experience are reconditioning used spark plugs in a large Midwest airplane plant.
African American in Aircraft Production Factory #1
African American Drum Major in Parade
African American Resident of Plain City, Ohio smoking a pipe outside of a clothing store
Portrait of Cotton Field Workers
Descent of the Holy Spirit; the Black Hours
Black children outside of schoolhouse
African American men paving road, Washington, D.C.
Cabine inspected
US Marines
African American Boy resting on bed in attic of sharecropper shack. New Madrid County, Missouri
Interior view of "Dr. McDougal's Drug Store"
Unidentified African American soldier seated on horseback, facing left.
Roosevelt speaking at National Negro Business League
Drill Instructor
US Marines
Fifteenth Amendment #1
Ku Klux Klan parade, DC
Adoration of the Magi #4
Hieronymus Bosch
Tuskegee airmen Marcellus G. Smith and Roscoe C. Brown, Ramitelli, Italy, March 1945
Negro house in New Orleans. Louisiana
Line up in Liberia
US Army Signal Corps
Dressed but not to kill
US Marines
African American Girls waiting for Episcopal Church to end so they can see the processional, South Side of Chicago, Illinois #1
Serenading a Raven out on a limb
Jack Johnson, Heavyweight Champion of the World
Morris Brown College Baseball Team
Civil Rights March in DC #2
African American Boys waiting outside of Episcopal Church to see the processional, South Side of Chicago, Illinois
Marriage at the Front
US Army
Hand to Hand Combat
US Marines
Tuskegee airmen Woodrow W. Crockett and Edward C. Gleed, Ramitelli, Italy, March 1945 #1
First Marine Officer
US Marines
African American Scrap Yard
School assembly in Hampton Institute, Hampton, Va.
They sank a Jaoanese Sub
US Navy
Eel Spearing at Setauket
William Sidney Mount
African American men posed at entrance to building, some with derbies and top hats, and banner labeled "Waiters Union" in Georgia
Parade of the Klux Klan through counties in Virginia bordering on the District of Columbia last night
Our Colored Heroes
E.G. Renesch
People sitting on front porches in Negro section of Chicago, Illinois
Confederate Troops Massacre at Fort Pillow; Black troops Massacred by Nathan Bedford Forest
Frank Leslie
Black American Wolf
John Joseph Audubon
Black-Necked Aracari #1
John Gould
The Crimson Skull
Proclamation of Emancipation by the President of the United States of America
Hoeing rice, South Carolina, U.S.A.
Headphones for Cadets
US Army
Uncle Tom's Cabin #1
Vivian Malone entering Foster Auditorium to register for classes at the University of Alabama
Reverend Jesse Jackson's march for jobs -- around the White House
African American band playing in the gardens of the Casion
Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan
Aunt Sally, old midwife, the only doctor or nurse ever heard of in Gees Bend #1
Wind Up Clever Puppy
Mail Smiles
US Coast Guard
Bomb-damaged home of Arthur Shores, NAACP attorney
Cumberland Glass Works, Bridgeton, N.J. A young "holding-mold boy" is seen, dimly, in middle distance to left of center.
Horse Christmas Party Outside of Washington's Humane Society
Black Farmers In Oklahoma
George F. Gibbs
Black Circassian Cherry
William Hooker
Black family at the Hermitage, Savannah, Ga.