Battle of Fredericksburg
Robert Knox Sneden
Gen. Robt. E. Lee at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862
Henry Alexander Ogden
Battle of Antietam Creek or Sharpsburg
Robert Knox Sneden
General Robert E. Lee
J.A. Elder
Week of the Popular Army, Day of the Fighter!
General Union of Workers
Battle of Chancellorsville
Robert Knox Sneden
General George Gordon Meade defeated Lee at Gettysburg
Matthew Brady
General George Armstrong Custer
Matthew Brady
Battle of 2nd Manassas or 2nd Bull Run #1
Robert Knox Sneden
Officers of 50th Pennsylvania Infantry
William Morris Smith
Assault on Fort Fisher
Robert Knox Sneden
The Battle of Antietam, September. 16th-17th, 1862.
Robert Knox Sneden
Today, more than ever Victory
The Battlefield of Williamsburg, Va. AKA the Battle of Fort Magruder
Robert Knox Sneden
Parachute and Ranger Infantry, 1944
The attack on Harper's Ferry Va., by Jackson
Robert Knox Sneden
Civil Air Patrol Base Morning Exercise
Collier, John
Our heroes and our flags
Tarr & Ross
Bird's-eye view of Andersonville Prison from the south-east
Aid for the Basque Heroes
S.H. Prives
Battle of Shiloh or Pittsburg Landing
Robert Knox Sneden
We defend Madrid under a Unified Command
African American Chimney Sweeps
Charles D. Fredericks & Co.
Map of Mosby's route through Virginia and North Carolina
Robert Knox Sneden
The Battle of Antietam, September. 16th-17th, 1862.
Culpeper Court House, Va. Street scene
Battle of Five Forks, Va., March 31st 1865 and 1st April.
Robert Knox Sneden
Lincoln's funeral on Pennsylvania Ave.
Sherman's march from Atlanta to the sea
Robert Knox Sneden
Battle of Gettysburg #1
Battle of Gaine's Mill
Robert Knox Sneden
Map of the Shenandoah Valley Campaign, 1864
Robert Knox Sneden
Starr Arms Factory
George Stacy
Atlanta campaign. Army of the Cumberland. Divine service by Rev. P.P. Cooney, C.S.C. Chaplain Gen. of Ind. Troops in the field
Battle of Kernstown, Va. March 23rd 1862.
Robert Knox Sneden
Band of 10th Veteran Reserve Corps, Washington, D.C., April, 1865
Culpeper Court House, Va. Freight train on Orange and Alexandria Railroad
Atomic Cloud over Nagasaki
Charles Levy
Atlanta, Georgia and its rebel defenses
Robert Knox Sneden
A Loafer is Fascist
Brandy Station, Va. Gen. Rufus Ingalls on horseback
Chattanooga & vicinity : showing Confederate and Union lines
Robert Knox Sneden
Arlington Heights, Va. Blockhouse near Aqueduct Bridge
US Military Engine "Lincoln's Coach"
Matthew Brady
Farmer, Work for the People who have Feed You
Office of Propaganda
Monitor "Lehigh"
E & H T Anthony
District of Columbia. Company E, 4th U.S. Colored Infantry, at Fort Lincoln
Fallout Shelter Sign
Arlington House, June 29, 1864. Former residence of rebel Gen. Robert E. Lee
Andrew J. Russell
Diagram of the Federal Government and American Union by N. Mendal Shafer, attorney and counselor at law
Lee and His Generals
William B. Matthews
Ku Klux Klan Uniform
Carol Highsmith
The Cultural Militias Fight Fascism by Combating Ignorance
Safety For You, For All
The Gettysburg Address
Portrait John Wilkes Booth
J.E.B. Stuart, Confederate General Portrait
The Heroic Merchant Navy
Battle of Gettysburg by Philippoteaux
Paul Philippoteaux
Official plan of Gettysburg. Pennsylvania, fought 1st, 2nd, 3rd July 1863.
Robert Knox Sneden
Bayard Rustin at news briefing on the Civil Rights March on Washington
Civil Air Patrol Base, Bar Harbor, Maine.
Collier, John
Portrait of Lieut. Gen. James Longstreet, officer of the Confederate Army
Enlisted Men, Staff & Artillery (Full Dress)
H.A. Ogden
A Sailor: A Hero
Arturo Ballester
Homage to the International Brigades
Battle of Cumberland Church, Va.
Robert Knox Sneden
Confederate Infantryman with model 1842 Musket
Battle of Gettysburg Penna.. Showing positions held July 2nd, 1863.
Robert Knox Sneden
Battle of 2nd Manassas or 2nd Bull Run
Robert Knox Sneden
Confederate Soldier with Baby Colt Dragoon Revolver