Fritillaries in a Copper Vase
Still Life with Lemons on a Plate
Boy and Dog Walking on a Country Hillside
Andrew Loomis
Portrait of Trabuc, an Attendant at Saint-Paul Hospital Trabuc, an Attendant at Saint-Paul Hospital
Wheat Fields at Auvers Under Clouded Sky
Reaper with Sickle after Millet
Cottages and Cypresses Reminiscence of the North
The Woodcutter after Millet
At the Vermont state fair
Delano, Jack
Wheat Fields with Auvers in the Background
Vase with Zinnias and Geraniums
Self Portrait of Vincent Van Gogh with Bandaged Ear
Flowers in a blue vase by Van Gogh
Vincent Van Gogh
A little country store near New Hope School Tecumseh, OK
Dance in the Country #1
Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo
Winter in the Country; A cold Morning
Country Music Singers Mural
Carol Highsmith
It's a Big Country
Alice Caddy
Christ with Mary and Martha
Johannes Vermeer
Village Street and Steps in Auvers with Two Figures
Still Life with Red Cabbages and Onions
Portrait of Madame Augustine Roulin
Cafe Terrace on Place du Forum, Arles, at Night
Marguerite Gachet in the Garden
On the ferris wheel
Delano, Jack
Three Sunflowers in a Vase
Portrait of aPatient in Saint-Paul Hospital
Haystacks under a Rainy Sky
Evening The Watch after Millet
Railway Bridge over Avenue Montmajour, Arles
Still Life Vase with Rose-Mallows
Self Portrait of Vincent Van Gogh with Straw Hat, Third Version
Morning Peasant Couple Going to Work
Still Life Blue Enamel Coffeepot, Earthenware and Fruit
Trees and Undergrowth [2]
Landscape with the Chateau of Auvers at Sunset
Road Running Beside the Paris Ramparts
Self Portrait of Vincent Van Gogh
Vase with Flowers, Coffeepot and Fruit
Study for The Potato Eaters
Still Life with Bloaters and Garlic
Woman Sitting by a Cradle
Sloping Path in Montmartre
Field of Spring Wheat at Sunrise
Backstage at the Vermont state fair
Delano, Jack
Cart with Red and White Ox