Kennedy for President; Johnson for Vice President
Democratic nominations For President, Grover Cleveland of New York. For Vice Pres't, Allen G. Thurman of Ohio.
H.A. Thomas & Wylie lith
James G. Blaine as the head of a tapeworm
Popular Vote
Charles Scribner
Would Be Politician
The Senator - Waltzes
Leadership for the 60's - Vote Row B
New York State Democtratic Committee
Kennedy for President
Democratic platform and presidential nominees
Siegel, Cooper & Co.
James Monroe
William James Hubbard
Martin Van Buren
William Croome
Keynote address by Representative Barbara Jordan, Democratic National Convention, July 12, 1976
National Speaker
L.W. Keyer
Always Everywhere Smiling Al Smith
Thomas Jefferson #8
Gilbert Stuart
Our country's heroes
Bridgman, E.C
John Tyler
George P. Healy
Roosevelt's guiding spirit
Andrew Jackson #7
Ralph Eleaser Whiteside Earl
Prohibition Nominations
President Abraham Lincoln
Frank Leslie
National Democratic chart, 1876--For president, Samuel J. Tilden, for vice president, Thomas A. Hendricks
H. H. Lloyd
Our Nation's Choice -- Gen. James Abram Garfield, Republican candidate for President
Haasis & Lubrecht
Wm. McKinley, Prosperity
Frederick Douglass appealing to President Lincoln and his cabinet to enlist Negroes
President William Howard Taft in Masonic Regalia
Jameson, Studio
Grand national union banner for 1864. Liberty, union and victory
Character #1
Wilbur Pierce
Our Teddy's Homecoming March
The President Suspender "Who Gets It?"
White House Brand California Melons
Stephen Grover Cleveland
Lincoln Centennial Grand March by E.T. Paull
Republican Candidates. For President, Theo. Roosevelt. For Vice President, Chas. W. Fairbanks
U. S. of A., President Roosevelt
Lincoln and Hamlin
Over the Top with Uncle Sam
Charles Gustrine
George Washington #48
Gilbert Stuart
Election Day
Wilbur Pierce
Tariff Reform. Cleveland and Thurman
S. Nagle & J. Hertgen
Franklin D. Roosevelt Cigars
George Washington #49
Gilbert Stuart
President Lincoln's Funeral Cortege
Kansas! For James G Blaine.
J.M.W. Jones Sta'y & P't'g Co
Our country's choice--Democratic nominees
Continental Publishing
National Republican chart 1876
H. H. Lloyd
The Triumphant Life of Theodore Roosevelt
Republican chart. Presidential campaign, 1868
H. H. Lloyd
On the Stump with Douglas (Abe Lincoln)
Harriet Putnam
Life of President Grant in Japanese
Utagawa Kokunimasa
Dewey and Hoover
Ben Shahn
For President John Bell. For vice president Edward Everett
H.C. Howard
Greeley and Brown
H. H. Lloyd
16 to 1. ... the speech that won the nomination ... at the National Democtratic Convention at Chicago, 1896
The Henderson Lith. Co.
Abraham Lincoln of Illinois. Andrew Johnson of Tennessee.
Theodore Roosevelt
Rockwood photograph Co.
For President, Theodore Roosevelt, For Vice President, Charles W. Fairbanks
Roesch Co. Litho.
Lyndon Johnson U. S. Senator
Theodore Roosevelt, Secretary of the Navy, Rough Rider, Governor and Presdient
James A. Garfield Republican candidate for president - Chester A. Arthur Republican candidate for vice president
Seer's Litho.
Organization & Development of the United States #1